Team Camp and Dual Tournament- June 15th

11 Mar by Dan Machovec

Ok, hear me out. This is a huge ask for some of you and that’s why I want to get started on it NOW.

We have a connection to Rhinelander through Caleb Radtke. He coaches and lives up there. They have an amazing opportunity for teams to travel up there and get some top technique and compete for $350 a team. The plan would be to drive up the night before and stay over at his place as a team. So we would leave sometime Friday, June 14th. Check out the list of names of the people running the camp, it’s pretty solid.

The best part of this is to continue to build our team. So many of you wrestled at the Dells and did great! This is another chance to be together and get momentum going into the summer. I’d really like to know who could make this possible and wants to go. We will easily make plans to do this if we have enough interested! It would be fun to see some other teams besides the same local competition.

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