Grade Checks SOON!

8 Jan by Dan Machovec

Hello All,

The quarter ends on 1/17/2025. You need to have ABOVE a 2.0 GPA (that means ALL C’s) and NO MORE than 1 F. If you have 1 F, you need an A to cancel that F out as a C. Where kids get confused is they think having 1 F is OK because the rest of the classes are C grades. That would make you ineligible. You don’t have a 2.0 GPA with 1 F and the rest Cs.

PLEASE take care of your grades NOW. Teachers do NOT want to have athletes coming to them begging for extra credit or redoing assignments the last day/week when you had 9 weeks to take care of your grades.

I’ll do a thorough check this afternoon to see who all is in Jeopardy of sitting out for two weeks due to grades.

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