We have a LOT of things happening this weekend. These things require ALL of us to be on the same page and work together. PLAN TO BE AT THESE EVENTS.
Friday practice-set up: Friday we will practice at RVMS boys and girls. When we are done with practice, we will bring all the mats to the high school. We will then set up the old gym while the middle schoolers are competing in the new gym. Once it’s set up, you’re free to leave or attend the rest of the RVMS matches. I will be taking attendance. Those who choose not to help will not wrestle Saturday at our home event.
Saturday Information: We host a boys tournament and a girls tournament. Mr. Hegland has found workers for the event. However, we need some help with the coaches’ room. We provide food for all refs and coaches at the event. I’m creating a sign up for you to please (if able) to help stock the coaches room.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YFzHOXgNXoAi87wpO6GbrBHLfmF_ikvURdQu51PmJNU/edit?usp=sharingSunday Information: We host our youth tournament. This tournament has been a huge fundraiser for you. All wrestlers need to be there. You have already been assigned to referee or work a table. Girls, boys, managers, we need you ALL! There will be roughly 500 wrestlers at that event. Once the event is over, we need help cleaning up and putting things back in place. All the mats for RVHS and RVMS, clocks, computers, cords, tables, etc. We typically are done and out of there by 2:00 if everyone helps. Be aware, I will again be taking attendance for this. If you chose not to show up, you will more than likely sit out your next event. As coaches, it’s frustrating that the same people are the ones who do all the work. You all benefit off the money from this event and others sponsored by the wrestlebackers. PLEASE HELP.
This is a very busy week that features YOU. So please do all you can to help us.
Thanks everyone!
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