Thank you and Practice Tomorrow

19 Jan by Dan Machovec

First off, thank you so much! Today was a huge success! I heard how well the high schoolers did non stop. When asked to do something you did it and got to work on the next task. Many families were thrilled at how well our event went. Thank you all so much for helping. It’s great to see that much effort.

As of now, we do have practice tomorrow. School wasn’t canceled. We have teacher inservice. I’ll be speaking with Mr. Hegland throughout the day to see if we will have practice. Tuesday looks bad as well. We have a joke dual with Lancaster and both boys and girls will wrestle. It’s senior night. I’m looking forward to a rematch with them! Be ready for wrestleoffs tomorrow if we have practice. We need to get these finalized right away. 3:45 (START)-5:30.

Baby update: most of you have heard that fur baby will be coming Thursday. I highly doubt I’ll be able to partake in Friday’s dual. Everything will be taken care of and you will get to enjoy some cupcakes and juice without me. I hope I get to watch on RVTV and see some arrows get snapped.

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